There is a 6 week block of Pilates classes starting Wed 3rd Sept – 8th Oct (inclusive). Classes will run 8-9pm, 6 classes €60 / Drop in places €13, classes suitable for Beginners and Improvers. Wednesday classes will be restricted to 10-12 people and I have quite a few confirmed so if you wish to attend please confirm ASAP.I am considering a Beginners Only class Wednesday 7-8pm but this is dependent on numbers interested.I am also working with Barefoot Yoga & Fitness Studio, as their Pilates instructor. This class is a beginner / improver class.So now there is no excuse for not attending one of my pilates classes, class details below:
– Wednesdays: Beginners / Improver’s 8-9pm. Lucan Leisure Centre, Griffeen Park.
– Thursdays: 7:30-8:30pm Beginner / Improver, Barefoot Yoga & Fitness, 13 Millbank Bus Park, Lucan
If you would like to get involved and build your strength, please contact me to book a place in a class.
Text Neck SyndromeThis is a term was first coined by a chiropractor in Florida. It’s defined as overuse syndrome involving the head, neck and shoulders, usually resulting from excessive strain on the spine from looking in a down at mobile phones and laptops.I have written a few blogs on posture and how to help maintian good posture, check out this blog on ways to avoid Text Neck and other blogs on how to keep your posture strong and aligned correctly.Read more about about this condition Text Neck Syndrome Blog
Plantar Fasciitis
I recently came across a new research article on Planter Fasciitis and a study that has suggested a change to the treatment protocol, the study has reported some slight improvements when treating the condition.
Plantar Fasciitis can be a difficult issue to resolve and can take months to resolve fully. For any of you who have had Plantar Fasciitis you will know it is a frustrating condition that causes pain as you step out of bed first thing in the morning and can limit walking and exercise.
I have attached a link tothe blog outlining the new research and the treatment protocol being suggested. The normal protocol is to stretch the plantar aspect of the foot, the additional element is to use high load strenght training while performing a heel raise.
I have outlined the treatment:
High-load strength training consisted of unilateral heel-raises with a towel inserted under the toes. The towel ensures that the toes are maximally dorsal flexed at the top of the heel-rise.
Client must perform the exercises every second day for three months.
Every heel-rise consisted of a three second concentric phase (going up) and a three second eccentric phase (coming down) with a 2 second isometric phase (pause at the top of the exercise).
The high-load strength training is slowly progressed started at 12 reps x 3 sets.
After two weeks, you increase the load by using a rucksack with books in it and reduce the number of repetitions to 10reps x 4 sets. After four weeks, 8 reps x 5 sets.
Client keeps adding books to the rucksack as they became stronger.
It is also advised that you continue this exercise even when the pain has subsided.
If you wish to learn more please feel free to call me for a chat.