New Pilates Strength Class Lucan

We are introducing a NEW Pilates Strength class Lucan Monday’s 8 – 9pm starting Monday 13th June. The New Pilates Strength Class Lucan will be working on building full body strength and endurance.

The New Pilates Strength Class Lucan class is building on our Beginner and Intermediate class, we will be working on developing more full body strength, building upper & lower body strength and endurance.

The New Pilates Strength Class Lucan class will be a mix of body weight and Pilates exercises, we will be holding positions for longer and introducing new challenging exercises designed to build over all body strength.

The New Pilates Strength Class Lucan class will be suitable for all levels as we will be progressing all exercises during the class for various levels.

Get booking as places are limited. (Don’t worry this video is me just showing off, we will build you up to this stuff!!)
